August 30, 2022
5 min read
Written by
Erik Van Der Goes
Community News
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How Accessibility Benefits your Business

This past week, we celebrated the 32nd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The ADA created numerous requirements to increase accessibility to businesses, and there have been subsequent incentives to implement policies that extend beyond the minimum requirements.

August 30, 2022
5 min read
Written by
Erik Van Der Goes
Community News
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But why should companies implement such policies? At first glance, these policies may appear costly, and many businesses, specifically small businesses, operate on slim profit margins, which means they must pay close attention to their budget. However, many of these policies provide a tangible benefit to small and large businesses alike.

Increasing Accessibility

Statistics provided by Score clearly demonstrate the benefits that increasing accessibility can provide to businesses of any size. For example, increasing accessibility can improve employee productivity, retention, and company morale. Among business owners who reported making accommodations for employees with disabilities, 86% said it helped retain qualified employees, 59% said it increased company productivity, 61% said it increased company morale, and 24% said it increased profitability. An increase in profitability makes sense when you consider that approximately one billion people worldwide live with a disability, making up the world’s largest minority. Furthermore, Americans with a disability, who account for over 13% of the U.S. population, have a disposable income of $490 million. By improving accessibility, you are opening yourself up to a larger market of potential consumers. Retention of qualified employees is also very important for small and large businesses alike, and 90% of businesses reported it is the most important benefit of accommodation. It also reduces costs associated with replacing, training and lost work during the hiring or re-hiring process.

Furthermore, these accommodations are often low-cost or are no cost at all. Of employers who provided an accommodation for an employee with disability, 49% reported no cost for accommodating employees with disabilities, 43% reported a one-time cost, and only 8% reported an annual, or a combination of annual and one-time cost. A study by the Job Accommodation Network found that, on average, accommodations cost employers $500. Most accommodations, 59%, did not cost anything.

The Cost of Accessibility

While costs of any kind may deter businesses from increasing accessibility, these costs can often be nullified through a tax credit. Businesses that earn $1 million or less or had no more than 30 full time employees in the previous year may take the Disabled Access Credit for every year they incur access expenditures. For physical alterations to buildings, the Architectural Barrier Removal Tax Deduction allows business to claim a deduction of up to $15,000 a year for qualified expenses for items that normally must be capitalized (see the IRS page for more details). Lastly, the Work Opportunity Tax Credit provides a tax credit ranging from $1,200 to $9,600, depending on the employee hired and the length of employment. There is also a wide array of tax benefits available to persons with disabilities, ranging from standard deductions and exemptions to business and itemized deductions to credits.

In contrast, failing to increase accessibility or adhere to the minimum standards set by the ADA can prove detrimental and costly to your business. If your website is not accessible, 71% of users with a disability will simply leave. Alternatively, 79% of companies found that inclusive software improved usability and customer experience. A person with a disability who is negatively impacted can also sue a non-compliant business. ADA lawsuits are becoming more frequent, and when the claims are legitimate, the court can order that the violation be fixed, the plaintiff receive substantial legal fees, and potentially impose financial damages. Website accessibility is equally important. In 2019, Domino’s lost a Supreme Court case. The court ruled that any digital platform which is tied to a physical location providing goods or services should also comply with accessibility standards. This has made digital accessibility a much higher priority because the legal repercussions for non-compliance can be costly.

blurred picture of business workplace and people walking

Social Impact

Businesses must also take into consideration their company image and brand reputation when making decisions regarding accessibility. Bad accessibility practices can damage your reputation, but going above and beyond to serve your customers will make your brand stand out in the eyes of those users and those that value social impact. The largest proportion of the global consumer base, Millennials and Generation Z, are the two audiences that hold a brand’s commitment to doing things right in the highest esteem. Delivering subpar experiences make these significant percentages of consumers more likely to abandon your brand.

By creating websites and apps that provide inclusivity and accessibility that optimizes the user experience, you ultimately generate more traffic to your website and apps. Search engine optimization (SEO) can be positively influenced by accessibility because search engines are interested in the user experience of your website and rank it according to usability.

Most importantly, it is simply the right thing to do. It is a courtesy that we can provide to large segments of the population at little to no cost. Even if business outcomes are your top priority, it still is the wise decision to implement accessible practices. As the emphasis placed on accessibility increases, it is important to be aware of the potential value it can add to your company.


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