January 20, 2022
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InnoCaption App
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January 20, 2022
5 min read
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InnoCaption App
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New Year's Resolutions Everyone Should Adopt

The New Year is a fresh opportunity to reexamine our goals and intentions and resolve to do what we can to continue to grow and improve in the weeks and months ahead. The past few years have shown a steady increase in emphasis on accessibility, and that shows no signs of slowing in 2022. Options to make workplaces more accessible have quickly gone from “nice-to-have” to “must-haves,” but as with all things, there is always room to learn and improve.

As we kick off this new year, we wanted to share a few resolutions to add to your list—things that every business should strive to incorporate during 2022 to maintain the momentum of making our workplaces truly accessible.

In no particular order, check out our list of new year's resolutions that everyone should adopt below:

Reexamine hiring practices - Are they truly inclusive?

While hiring practices are becoming more and more inclusive, it is important for businesses to put the power into the hands of the individuals with a hearing loss during this process. To start, this can be as simple as ensuring there is inclusive language in the job description. Something as simple as listing that accommodations are available to those interested can increase your candidate pool.

Create a space where employees feel empowered to tell you what they need.

The best way to understand what your employees need is to ask! While having suggestions and options open is a great way to facilitate the conversation, take the guesswork out of the issue by creating an environment where your teams feel comfortable telling you what they need. A great way to do this is by polling your employees on a frequent basis to get direct, anonymous feedback.

Empower your employees to access technologies that can increase productivity and autonomy.

It’s just as important to listen to your teams as it is to follow through. Products like InnoCaption and InnoCaption’s DeskView feature, can enable teams to work more efficiently as well as empower them to be more autonomous in their projects. As an employer, it is also important to stay up to date on what technologies and solutions are available to your teams that may benefit from them.

Commit to continuous learning.

There are always new technologies and solutions available, and the task of knowing all of them can be daunting. The good news is that you don’t need to. The best way that you can support your deaf and hard of hearing employees is by committing to being a lifelong learner. When you show your teams that you are committed to supporting them instead of just talking about it, you will not only gain more productivity but increased transparency and trust throughout your organization.

What is on your list of accessibility and inclusivity resolutions? Send us a message or leave a comment below!


Make calls with confidence

InnoCaption provides real-time captioning technology making phone calls easy and accessible for the deaf and hard of hearing community. Offered at no cost to individuals with hearing loss because we are certified by the FCC. InnoCaption is the only mobile app that offers real-time captioning of phone calls through live stenographers and automated speech recognition software. The choice is yours.

Llame con confianza

InnoCaption proporciona tecnología de subtitulado en tiempo real que hace que las llamadas telefónicas sean fáciles y accesibles para la comunidad de personas sordas y con problemas de audición. Se ofrece sin coste alguno para las personas con pérdida auditiva porque estamos certificados por la FCC. InnoCaption es la única aplicación móvil que ofrece subtitulación en tiempo real de llamadas telefónicas mediante taquígrafos en directo y software de reconocimiento automático del habla. Usted elige.